Wednesday 27 July 2011

Three weeks until we cast off the lines

Well, its been a while since the last post. Time has flown by as we have been getting the boat ready for the adventure. The electronics, engines and mechanical systems are good to go, and I have learned how to rebuild the head (toilet for those not familiar with boating terms) and it now works great. We pulled all the carpet out of the interior and put down teak and holly flooring so no more damp carpets to worry about. My long "to do" list is now getting very short.

My oldest son Rob is getting married to Megan this coming weekend which is an awesome event for the Mencel family. My son James who will be travelling with me to the Florida Keys is Rob's "best man" and he too is getting excited.

Last weekend Megan's dad Pat and I took AT LAST out for a bit of a shakedown cruise on Lake Huron and all went well. Here's a picture of the view from the navigation station. Note the America's Great Loop Cruisers Association burgee on the bow. This identifies us as "loop" boat, and we'll see lots of others also flying this flag on our trip. New friends await !!

I am still trying to figure out this blog and how best to post pictures etc, but rest assured, it will improve over time. I plan to take some pics of the boat prior to departure so those who are interested can see the interior etc. Stay tuned ... our adventure begins shortly !